
Collection and shipping


Collection and shipping

Consumers today expect a lot of flexibility. Lockers for pickup and shipping allow retailers to serve their customers easily and inexpensively outside business hours. And parcel lockers are also an interesting investment with an excellent ROI. Read all about our Collibree lockers for pickup and shipping here.

Investment with excellent ROI


Parcel delivery lockers

Robust, secure and convenient to use, our Collibree parcel lockers can be used both indoors and outdoors. That makes them ideal for busy public spaces such as railway stations, airports and town squares, and other places where people can conveniently pick up and ship packages.

And our locker software can easily be interfaced with other software systems using its API. This allows our parcel lockers to be used by ALL delivery services. Our lockers have fully autonomous operation and redundancy in several areas is built in. Has something still gone wrong? Then components can be replaced without taking the rest of your lockers offline. All things that greatly increase your ROI!

Click & collect

Lockers are also a worthwhile investment as a retailer. They let you provide 24/7 service to your customers, without needing to hire additional staff. This is because they can pick up their orders at their convenience, even outside your opening hours. Linking your webshop to our locker software? That’s easy thanks to our API.

And Mobile Locker offers numerous additional features. For example, do you want to supply chilled or frozen products using your lockers? With our refrigerated lockers, this is no problem at all.

Contact us

Do you want to provide a convenient solution for picking up and shipping packages and orders? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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